
Our passion for innovation and improvement keeps us in constant motion, and we want to share the latest updates and news with you.

Pressemelding: Vellykket emisjon

Pressemelding: Vellykket emisjon

The health technology company VitalThings AS in Trondheim recently completed a capital raise of 41.6 million. The interest in the capital raise was significant, surpassing the target of 35 million.

Clinical trial at St. Olavs Hospital

Clinical trial at St. Olavs Hospital

A central milestone in the Autoskår project: We have now finished the clinical trials of the upcoming patient monitor at St. Olavs Hospital in Trondheim. This marks...


Here is an overview of where you can meet us. We participate in a variety of conferences and events, both domestically and internationally. See you there!


"Improving people’s lives" is an important part of our identity. Through the blog, we showcase how our technology can indeed contribute to improving people's lives.

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Sleep in addiction treatment

Drug addiction is a challenge affecting millions of people worldwide, and there are various treatment methods available that can...

Pustefrekvensen er  kroppens brannalarm

Your Body's Early Warning System

In this article, you will gain insight into examples where monitoring respiratory rate led to faster treatment.

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Less sleep

Teenagers sleep an average of 2 hours less each night. During adolescence, the body undergoes significant changes...


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