Increased Safety for Residents, Relatives, and Health care Professionals

Contactless and continuous monitoring of presence, sleep, restlessness, and noise allows healthcare professionals to attend to residents without causing unnecessary disturbances during the night.

Somnofy bidrar med informasjon som gjør det lettere å fange opp forverring hos brukerne.

Volda Municipality has deployed Vitalthings Somnofy for digital monitoring of residents at the municipality's nursing homes and staffed care apartments.

Som så mange andre kommuner i Norge, har vi et økende antall eldre og brukere med demens. I tillegg står vi i fare for å mangle helsepersonell, sier Karianne Sveen Orvik, koordinator for velferdsteknologi i Volda kommune.

– Denne teknologien bidrar til å forbedre livskvaliteten til våre mest sårbare innbyggere, samtidig som den avlaster våre ansatte, forteller Orvik.


Many Residents feel Restless During the Night

Traditionally, a night shift worker checks on the resident two to four times during the night.

Such sudden awakenings can disrupt the quality of sleep, which in turn can affect the residents' overall health and well-being.

Healthcare workers are faced with the challenge of balancing the need for supervision with the service recipient's need for undisturbed rest and privacy.

Equipping Healthcare Professionals with Innovative Tools


Real-Time Overview

With Vitalthings Somnofy, healthcare professionals can get a comprehensive real-time view of all residents' conditions. This includes information about whether they are in bed, asleep, or awake, as well as their respiration rate.


Nightly Report

Every morning, Vitalthings Somnofy generates an automated nightly report highlighting significant changes in respiration rate, restlessness or movement, and total sleep time compared to average values. This report provides valuable insights that can be utilized to tailor care and treatment for individualized satisfaction of needs.


Smart Alerts

Vitalthings Somnofy is designed to be proactive. It sends alerts for unusual activities, such as if the patient is out of bed or restless. This gives healthcare professionals the opportunity to act quickly and effectively.


Sleep Analysis

Sleep is essential for good health and well-being. Vitalthings Somnofy provides detailed information about the patient's sleep quality, including sleep stages and environmental factors that can affect sleep.

Improved Resource Management

Vitalthings Somnofy is the digital night watch that provides a comprehensive overview of all residents around the clock. Continuous monitoring with alerts allows healthcare personnel to act promptly in various situations, such as when someone leaves their bed, experiences sleep difficulties, or becomes restless.

This enables targeted allocation of resources to those who need it most while maintaining an overview of all residents. The result is a more efficient use of resources while avoiding unnecessary disturbances at night. This provides residents with better sleep and increased energy the next day. Automated reports give healthcare personnel a quick and thorough overview during shift changes, contributing to a safe and efficient start to each shift.

More Advantages of Vitalthings Somnofy


Reduced nighttime awakenings

With digital supervision, the need for physical checks during the night is reduced.


Automatic nightly reports

Insight into the resident's sleep and respiratory trends.


Early alerting

Ability to respond promptly to potential health issues and restlessness.


Enhanced care

Enhanced safety through the ability to prioritize resources based on needs.


"By actively using the night report and monitoring changes in respiratory rate, we have been able to identify and initiate early treatment for infections."

Remi Andersen
Sykehjemslege, Ullernhjemmet

Contact us if you want a free demo

Want to know more about the advantages? We'd be happy to provide you with a demo tailored to your specific needs.
