Effective and Accurate
Patient Monitoring

More admissions, increasing complexity in health conditions, and a shortage of healthcare personnel pose significant challenges for hospitals.

By implementing contactless and continuous patient monitoring, it becomes possible to enhance the work environment for doctors and nurses while simultaneously strengthening patient safety.

Beyond Interval-Based Measurements

Interval-based measurements are typically carried out according to a pre-defined schedule, which is both resource-intensive and limited in its ability to detect deteriorations that may occur between measurement intervals, particularly during the night.

Continuous monitoring has mainly been reserved for surveillance and intensive care units. This is due to both high costs and the fact that patients generally do not prefer to be equipped with extensive equipment and wires for extended periods.

Beyond Interval-Based Measurements

With VitalThings Guardian, it is possible to be proactive in the face of deteriorating health and unfavorable health developments. A metareview investigating the impact of continuous monitoring in hospital wards identified four main effects:


Reduced mortality risk


Reduced demand for intensive care


Decreased use of acute teams 


Shorter average hospital stays

The Remarkable Advantages
of Contactless Technology


Automatic monitoring initiates upon the patient entering the measurement area, eliminating the need for connecting cumbersome and time-consuming equipment.


The technology ensures equitable patient care. Vulnerable patient groups often have impaired ability to cooperate with traditional wired monitoring.


Patients can be monitored over an extended period.


Contactless monitoring not only contributes to environmental conservation but also reduces costs by eliminating the necessity for disposable equipment and inter-patient cleaning.


A accurate and relevant data source for future AI technology and predictive alarms.

Focusing on Usability

The key to effective patient monitoring relies on seamless integration, prevention of alarm fatigue, and good usability. Our products are developed in close collaboration with health care professionals and patients. Design and functionality have been fine-tuned to enhance the overall user experience.

Vitalthings was chosen as a partner to develop the future patient monitor in the innovative procurement initiative Autoskår.


Vitalthings Guardian M10 is our contactless multiparameter Patient Monitor
