24. October 2022
Blå Kors adopts Somnofy for Isolation Rooms
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Exciting Collaboration

Blå Kors Lade Treatment Center in Trondheim has now installed Somnofy in all its rooms in the detoxification unit. They have also implemented Somnofy in dedicated isolation rooms to monitor users entering the facility with minimal physical contact.

With Somnofy, they can track sleep patterns, movement, and breathing rates throughout the night. Using screens in the control room, they can continuously monitor all rooms and respond if someone gets out of bed or requires extra attention. Blå Kors has also initiated a research project focusing on key parameters such as sleep quantity and quality. For us at VitalThings, this collaboration is thrilling and opens up opportunities for the further development of our services.

Uncovering Health Issues

In the morning, the health care workers review the night's data to check for any abnormalities. They report that, even after a relatively short period, they uncover health issues they otherwise wouldn't have noticed. Often, it's restlessness or changes in breathing rates that provide indications they can further investigate. It's important to note that they haven't altered their supervision routines and use Somnofy as a complement to their existing practices. The difference is that they can now monitor much more closely, and they automatically have a baseline over time to compare with.

Somnofy statusoversikt i sanntid

Real-time Data from All Rooms on One Screen 

Blå Kors has chosen to display real-time data from all rooms on a large screen in the control room. This allows everyone working there to quickly assess the status of all residents without having to enter individual rooms.