
Our passion for innovation and improvement keeps us in constant motion, and we want to share the latest updates and news with you.

Ny klinisk studie: «Oppsiktsvekkende nøyaktig»

New clinical study: "Exceptional accuracy"

Vitalthings Guardian M10 has been validated in a new study at St. Olavs Hospital, demonstrating remarkable accuracy in respiratory rate measurements using contactless technology.


Here is an overview of where you can meet us. We participate in a variety of conferences and events, both domestically and internationally. See you there!


"Improving people’s lives" is an important part of our identity. Through the blog, we showcase how our technology can indeed contribute to improving people's lives.

Har lært utrolig mye om søvn

Har lært utrolig mye om søvn

For de ansatte i Sarpsborg kommune har Vitalthings sin Somnofy endret måten de jobber på. – Vi bruker den til å kartlegge brukerne før vi iverksetter tiltak. Jobben er blitt morsommere etter at vi tok i bruk Somnofy. Den har lært oss utrolig mye om søvn. Nå ser vi frem til å teste Guardian H10, sier Mona Elise Kristoffersen. Hun er fagrådgiver for helseteknologi i kommunen

Eliminated unnecessary medication

Eliminated unnecessary medication

Volda Municipality has deployed Vitalthings Somnofy for digital monitoring of residents at the municipality's nursing homes and staffed care apartments.

Søvn i rusbehandlingEn nøkkel til varig bedring?

Sleep in addiction treatment

Drug addiction is a challenge affecting millions of people worldwide, and there are various treatment methods available that can...


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